See Her Naked

Unlock the power of cutting-edge AI to seamlessly remove the clothing of any female character. Just upload an image, hit generate and watch as the clothes fade away.

Create an account to claim one free token daily.

Demo image after Demo image before
20+ unique customization options to choose from. Let your imagination go wild!
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Demo image
Demo image
Demo image
Demo image

Pricing Options

Check out our different prices to see which one works best for you.


1 Token

  • 1 Image / Day


  • / Image
  • High Quality
  • Fast Queue
  • No Watermark


  • / Image
  • High Quality
  • Fast Queue
  • No Watermark


  • / Image
  • High Quality
  • Fast Queue
  • No Watermark

Free Tokens

1 Invite = 2 Tokens

You will receive free tokens for each person you invite using your referral link!

Demo image after Demo image before


How do I use this?

Simply sign up for an account, upload or drag and drop your desired image, check or fine-tune the autogenerated mask to select the clothing you want to remove, then hit generate and wait for the result. It's as easy as that!

How do I ensure good results?

Make sure the autogenerated mask covers all clothing accurately and paint a slightly larger area around the clothing for better accuracy. Also, use pictures with tighter clothes instead of baggy ones and poses such as standing straight facing the camera. Following these simple steps will help guarantee superior results.

Are my images private?

Yes, your images are private. They are never stored by us, and only you have access to the result.